As a collaboration with Prof Maurizio Prato, the work by Ana da Lama is now published in the special issue of the journal European Journal odf Organic Chemistry dedicated to Cesare Gennari.
Congratulations Ana and coworkers !!
This week the group presented three comunications at the XXXVIII biennial meeting of the RSEQ in Granada.
Good job Ana, Fabio and Raquel !!!
Happy to announce that our new project: Catalysis using Group 13 metal complexes and organometallic reagents (CatMetGroup13) has been proposed to be funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.
Congratulations to everyone !!!
Yesterday was a great day in the group, Ramón presented his PhD Thesis !! Congratualtions for this excellent work !!
Next April 22, 2022 at 11:00 AM in the conference room of CICA Ramón Millán will presente his PhD work entitled:
Determinación de la estereoquímica de telepamida y enigmazol C mediante cálculos computacionales, reacciones de cicloisomerización de 1,5-eninos catalizadas por indio(III), y síntesis total de ircinialactama J
The New Year brings a new publication as a consequence of a collaboration with Prof. Robert Maleczka at Michigan State University. In this article we probe the synthetic utility of indium organometallics in the synthesis of aryl boronic esters.
Ramón, congratulations for the excellent article just published in JOC. A really beautiful piece of work !!!
Despite the lab space limitations due to COVID-19 three new enthusiastic undergraduate students, Aldara Asenjo Rodríguez (left), Rubén González Peteiro (center) and Juan Luis Méndez Alvarez (right) have joint the research group to prepare their final degree work.
Congratulations to Raquel and Ana for the predoctoral fellowship of the Xunta de Galicia earned.
We are convinced that two excellent PhD Thesis will arise in due course.
The journal Molecules publish an Special issue on Advances in Cross-Coupling Reactions.
Guest Editors: José Pérez Sestelo and Luis A Sarandeses